What’s the ONE Thing You Can Do to Live Longer?

It’s NOT taking that brand new supplement that promises youthful looking skin or memory or will give you “youthful” performance in the bedroom (wink, wink…). Nope.  It’s just simple exercise. Nothing will keep you younger longer than exercise.  And not soup-cans-sitting-on-a chair-exercise, either.  I always defer to Jack LaLane as an example of what “exercise” […]

But I Avoid White Flour and Sugar–Isn’t That Enough?

I can honestly say that it is very rare that patients truly understand what a refined carb is and how bad it is for health. Which is disturbing considering that refined carbs are known to increase the risk of pretty much every chronic disease known to man.  Regardless of what color it is, if a product […]

Will Eating Too Much Make Me Die Sooner?

The research behind a low calorie, high phytonutrient diet extending lifespan in mammals is quite extensive. There have been variations on this theme of lowering the calories we take in.  These can vary from full-blow calorie restriction to alternate day calorie restriction.  There is the Bahadori leanness program that uses “mini-fasts” to reach and maintain […]

Low T Symptoms – Is This the REAL Answer for a Cure?

Low T syndrome. Low testosterone. Male sexual dysfunction. Doesn’t matter what you call it, I couldn’t be more against the use of testosterone replacement. Much to my chagrin, I hear a local clinic advertising on the radio station we have playing at the office several times per day. What I find interesting about this clinic’s […]

Aging and Muscle Mass: Is There Really a Fountain of Youth?

As we age, the biggest challenge to quality of life and mobility is the loss of muscle mass. Although diet, inflammation and adequate protein intake is important, exercise is the strongest tool against the age related loss of muscle mass (a term referred to as sacropenia). For some reason though, the general population just doesn’t […]