Funny how prevalent the word telomere has become in the medical literature in just the past year or so.  Basically, the telomere is a short strip of DNA at the end of our chromosomes that determine how much longer a cell can divide and stay viable.  The longer the telomere, the healthier the cell. We […]

The Holy Grail of Aging: Overview of the Mitochondria

THE HOLY GRAIL OF HEALTH?? For those of you who didn’t sleep through high school biology class, you’ll probably remember the mitochondria.  The powerhouse of the cell.  The site of ATP generation.  Well, fast forward 30 years and our understanding has blossomed.  It is well researched that the beginning of ALL chronic diseases begin with […]

Resveratrol and Longevity

IS THIS SUPPLEMENT REALLY THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH? I am, without question, a “lifestyle doctor.”  My passion and understanding is what is normal physiology, and how do we get there using diet, exercise and targeted supplementation.  The holy grail of longevity is protecting the mitochondria (regardless of whether or not you remember these little organelles […]

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Hogwash or Fountain of Youth?

As I round middle age, I want to do everything possible to maintain my youthful exuberance. Testosterone therapy seems like the answer. And it’s such a simple answer.  It’s natural.  After all, testosterone is something a man’s body already makes, it’s just that levels decline with age.  Just pop a pill, rub on some cream […]

Irisin: The New Longevity Hormone??

For a hormone that, 3 months ago, I had never heard of it sure seems like irisin is all over. A recent study on whole body vibration (that can be read by clicking here) was able to demonstrate an increase in the hormone irisin during a single session of use.  For those of you who missed […]