Low T Symptoms – Is This the REAL Answer for a Cure?

Low T syndrome. Low testosterone. Male sexual dysfunction. Doesn’t matter what you call it, I couldn’t be more against the use of testosterone replacement. Much to my chagrin, I hear a local clinic advertising on the radio station we have playing at the office several times per day. What I find interesting about this clinic’s […]

Can you Get Too Many Antioxidants?

CAN TOO MANY ANTIOXIDANTS CAUSE DAMAGE?  Just like everything else in life, balance is important.  This is not the first time that we have seen damage from higher levels of antioxidants.  In this particular study (done in a petri dish), addition of high dose antioxidants actually caused damage to the stem cells.  Keep in mind […]

A systemic phenomenon for oxidative stress in cholestatic liver disease – (11-12-00)

A systemic phenomenon for oxidative stress in cholestatic liver disease This article appears a little complex, but it basically states that alterations in liver function can damage other areas of the body. This is not really a new concept, and when a physician understands the detoxification process in the liver, he or she can learn […]

Dietary Antioxidants During Cancer Chemotherapy – (11-06-00)

Dietary Antioxidants During Cancer Chemotherapy Some of the best cancer clinics in the world use the best of Western medicine and natural medicine. These clinics many times are very expensive and having waiting lists that most patients would not survive. This is the way we have to go to really beat cancer. Stop spending so […]

Aldehydes, Glutathione in Exhalation of Kids with Asthma Exacerbation – (03-04-03)

Aldehydes, Glutathione in Exhalation of Kids with Asthma Exacerbation. I can follow along with the idea that oxidative stress and lowered glutathione levels are noted in children with asthma flare ups. However, the authors noted that a 5-day course of oral prednisone lowers the levels in exhaled breath. Huh? We have an appearent defect–lowered gluatathione […]