Chronic Migraine Relief Starts in Childhood

As a parent, it breaks my heart to think of any child having to worry about things like being loved, fed properly and treated with respect. Unfortunately, the effects of childhood maltreatment can last a lifetime. This maltreatment can come in the form of nutritional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse or emotional abuse.  While I […]

Migraines "Under Control" with Meds? Better Think Twice

Last Update December 18, 2014 I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but merely managing your chronic migraine headaches with meds is not the answer. I am not saying that it’s not the short-term goal.  If you’ve ever spent time on some of the social networking sites  that relate to migraine headaches, you’ll realize […]

2 Things Every Chronic Migraine Sufferer Should be Checked for

This is one of those “I’m a chiropractor so this will be biased” articles. This bias is further accentuated by the fact that I’ve written a Migraines and Epilepsy book. This article describes that ONE thing that EVERY single headache sufferer needs to do, and yet rarely do. I understand headaches very well. Migraines. Tension […]

Resection of Corrugator Supercilii Muscle Relieves Migraine – (10-02-00)

Resection of Corrugator Supercilii Muscle Relieves Migraine A small muscle typically cut with plastic surgery around the eyes was shown to lower incidence of migraines in patients. The question here is; were these patients truly suffering from a migraine, or were they tension headaches?? I cannot begin to guess how many patients have come into […]

Amitriptyline Effective Prophylaxis for Headache in Childhood – (10-02-00)

Amitriptyline Effective Prophylaxis for Headache in Childhood There are two interesting things in this article. First, headaches in children are becoming prevalent enough to warrant research studies on eliminating them. We must ask ourselves why children are now more likely to suffer from headaches. The second issue is the long term introduction and use of […]