Lack of significant genotoxicity of purified soy isoflavones – (03-31-03)

Lack of significant genotoxicity of purified soy isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein) in 20 patients with prostate cancer. This article is interesting given the fact that men with history of prostate cancer and women with history of breast cancer are told to avoid soy products. However, the evidence seems to support the fact that soy […]

BRCA1, BRCA2 and Breast Cancer Risk; Are You Doomed?

The answer to the above question is, of course, a strong yes.  After all, if Angelina Jolie decided to have her breasts removed and the medical community performed the procedure, it must be that severe. In addition, if you follow the American Cancer Society and the Komen Foundation, you get the idea that all you need […]

Prenatal, Childhood Diets – Most Important Role in Breast Cancer Risk?? – (10-09-00)

Prenatal, Childhood Diets – Most Important Role in Breast Cancer Risk?? More and more evidence is suggesting that many of today’s adult diseases actually begin decades earlier as children. This article suggests that the timing of exposure to estrogen is very important for breast cancer development, and exposure as an adolescent protects against breast cancer. […]