Hydrolyzed Whey Formula Reduces Duration of Crying in Colic – (01-02-01)

Hydrolyzed Whey Formula Reduces Duration of Crying in Colic

Considering that milk is a common allergen, especially in infants, it is not surprising that digesting milk proteins further will reduce the effects of this allergy on the GI tract. Of course, my reaction would be to ask why we insist on trying to modify something that the infant is very likely allergic to–just take them off of dairy. An interesting side note–recent studies have pointed to the efficacy of manipulative therapy in reducing the crying time in infantile colic. If we begin to agree that colic is a GI disorder, than we also have to accept that spinal manipulation will also have beneficial effects on the visceral system as well..

Pediatrics 2000;106:1349-1354 An extensively hydrolyzed whey formula is effective in reducing the duration of crying in infants with colic. “The crying of infants on hypoallergenic formula decreased by 77 minutes per day more than the crying children on standard cow’s milk formula,” the researchers say. After adjustment for gender and the duration of crying during the qualification period, the difference was 47 minutes per day. Both figures were statistically significant, the researchers determined. A 63-minute difference in the reduction of crying time was observed in favor of the whey hydrolysate formula group when analysis was performed according to the intention-to-treat principle. The team reports that after the intervention week, 40% of the infants in the whey hydrolysate group no longer met the inclusion criteria regarding crying, compared with 28% of the infants in the standard formula group. Dr. Lucassen and colleagues conclude that “additi! onal research is needed to establish the effectiveness of hydrolysate formulas in infants with atopic features and in infants showing the complete picture of infantile colic, as opposed to infants with excessive crying as the single symptom.”


James Bogash

For more than a decade, Dr. Bogash has stayed current with the medical literature as it relates to physiology, disease prevention and disease management. He uses his knowledge to educate patients, the community and cyberspace on the best way to avoid and / or manage chronic diseases using lifestyle and targeted supplementation.
