Nuclear PPARs and Have Opposing Effects on Monocyte Chemotaxis in Endometriosis – (07-12-01)

Nuclear PPARs and Have Opposing Effects on Monocyte Chemotaxis in Endometriosis Sorry for the long scary title, but PPARs are truly one of the hot buttons in disease research today. I really do believe that many of today’s chronic disease really stem from a relatively few biochemical defects that branch out in different directions and […]

Steroid and Cytokine Regulation of MMP Expression in Endometriosis – (10-10-02)

Steroid and Cytokine Regulation of MMP Expression in Endometriosis Cutting through the technical jargon, this article brings to light a potentially important factor for treatment of endometriosis. Progesterone is key here. Progesterone inhibits the ability of an enzyme, MMP, to establish endometriosis. This ability of progesterone can itself be inhibited by certain mechanisms. This study […]


Risk of CVD–Related, All-Cause Death & Serum Enterolactone. There is much evidence suggesting a protective effect of plant lignans (found in whole grains, flaxseed, soy…) on many diseases including CVD and breast and endometrial cancer. However, many of these studies are not raising a fundamental question. Lignans are converted by intestinal bacterial to enterolactone. What […]