Autism Spectrum Disorder: Help from an Unexpected Source

There was a recent news story of a mother who threw her 6 year-old autistic son to his death off of a bridge. While this heinous act was performed by a mentally disturbed woman, her reasoning was heartbreaking.  She couldn’t bear the idea of her child regressing back into himself as he had done so […]

New Variant of IBD Observed in Children With Developmental Disorders – (10-30-00)

New Variant of IBD Observed in Children With Developmental Disorders Dr. Andrew Wakefield is truly a pioneer, and yet he has received an indescribable amount of criticism for his studies suggesting a possible link between the mumps vaccine and autism. And yet, like many old pioneers ridiculed by their colleagues, further research is confirming his […]

Aberrant Immune Response Seen in Autism – (05-07-01)

Aberrant Immune Response Seen in Autism I have seen many children diagnosed with conditions like autism, ADD and ADHD that begin the morning with enough sugar to stagger the mind. Many of these patients do not think for one instant that what a child eats can have an effect on the mental performance. I think […]

Time Trends in Autism and in MMR Immunization Coverage in CA – (03-22-01)

Time Trends in Autism and in MMR Immunization Coverage in CA This suspected link has become quite the hot topic lately; with many researchers rapidly producing reviews suggesting no link between autism and MMR vaccination. This study summarizes the results by comparing the increase in autism rates (up 373%) to increase in immunization rates (up […]

Repeated Doses of Porcine Secretin in the Treatment of Autism – (05-21-01)

Repeated Doses of Porcine Secretin in the Treatment of Autism This study found no benefit to the use of secretin for autism. Hopefully one day soon medicine will begin to address the biological individuality of its patients. Secretin is a hormone that stimulates the production of pancreatic enzymes for digestion. We have previously discussed the […]