Viral Persistence High in Asthmatic Children – (10-19-00)

Viral Persistence High in Asthmatic Children This study shows a high percentage of asthmatic children have evidence of viral presence in their respiratory tracts compared to normal children. Might this be further rationale for maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle that keeps immune function at optimal levels? J Infect 2000;41:69-72 Evidence of viral presence appears rare […]

Early Respiratory Infections Increase Childhood Asthma Risk – (10-19-00)

Early Respiratory Infections Increase Childhood Asthma Risk This article is contradictory to previous studies that suggest that early infections are needed for a child’s immune system to properly develop. I firmly believe that childhood infections, if left to their natural course, will help that child’s immune system develop. I believe that antibiotics interfere with this […]

Environmental Pollutants Harming Canadian Children’s Health – (10-16-00)

Environmental Pollutants Harming Canadian Children’s Health Technology, while producing advances in how we live, can have harmful affects on our health. Taking simple steps such as air filters in the bedroom and drinking only filtered water can help reduce our exposure to the side effects of technology. (article) Canadian children’s chronic, low-level exposure to pollutants […]

Insights into milk protein allergy: Microenvironment matters – (01-09-03)

Insights into milk protein allergy: Microenvironment matters This is an interesting article that delves a little deeper into the immunology between cow’s milk allergy. Essentially, in milk allergic subjects, their T cells (a portion of the immune system known as cell-mediated immune) produce cytokines (chemical messengers that tell other cells what to do) consistent with […]

New insights into the pathogenesis of asthma – (02-10-03)

New insights into the pathogenesis of asthma Interestingly, I sat next to a gentleman a few weeks ago at dinner that was a respiratory therapist. I asked him about the increasing prevalence of asthma, and he just said something like “it’s all about the genes that these kids have.” Really? This study cites a doubling […]