Mesa AZ Back Pain Chiropractor – Stress and Pain

Does Stress Cause Life Threatening Conditions? IS CALMING OUR MIND REALLY POWERFUL ENOUGH TO OVERCOME LIFE THREATENING DISEASE?  Long before we should ask this question, we should ask if stress causes life threatening conditions in the first place (cancer, heart disease, stroke, autoimmune disorders, seizures, etc…).  The answer is a strong “yes.”  The problem is […]

See a Mesa AZ Chiropractor Today

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO A CHIROPRACTOR??  I attending a marketing event this week at a company where the employees are at their computers most of the day.  I was shocked at the number of employees who had never been to a chiropractor before.  Many of these patients had been experiencing pain […]

Knee Pain Chiropractor Mesa AZ

Don’t Wait, Pain Gains SHOULD I WAIT TO SEE IF MY PAIN GETS BETTER FIRST?  It is very common for someone who has injured themselves, be it their back, shoulder, neck, knee or spleen (ok…maybe not really the spleen), to wait and see if the pain goes away.  Sometimes is does, but sometimes this is the beginning […]

Reflections on 20 Years in a Chiropractic Practice

In March of 1998 I left the frigid tundra of the Chicagoland area to start a practice on my own in sunny Arizona.  Thus started the Chiropractic chapter in my life. And I’ve learned a lot in this time frame.  And have probably forgotten just as much as I learned. Had you asked me with […]

Pain Relief Chiropractic Mesa AZ

ANOTHER BAD EFFECT OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES? Is it just me, or is the list of side effects of NSAIDs getting longer and longer?  And we really all have Merck and Vioxx to thank for this direction of the research after well over 100,000 cardiovascular events were estimated to have occurred as a result of the new blockbuster […]