Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction – (04-12-01)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction Insulin is the key player in this relationship. Insulin is known to shunt away from estrogen production over to testerone production. This elevated testerone is known to be a risk factor for PCOS. Managing insulin levels can be one of the most important things to do for […]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction – (04-09-01)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction In view of recent findings that insulin resistance can be a contributor to endothelial dysfunction; and knowing that high insulin levels can shunt hormone production into too much testosterone in the female to contribute to PCOS…then this study is merely proving that A=B and B=C so A […]

Influence of melatonin on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity – (04-09-01)

Influence of melatonin on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity I’ve always been a little nervous about using any type of hormone replacement therapy be it estrogen, growth hormone, testesterone, insulin or melatonin. Precursers to these hormones may generally be considered safer because the body may only convert into the active hormone that which it needs. […]

US study highlights high levels of plastic compound in humans – (04-30-01)

US study highlights high levels of plastic compound in humans This is an interesting article that brings to light a relatively important but overlooked aspect of health. Many practitioners urge their patients not to use plastic containers and definitely avoid heating anything in plastic containers due to the absorption of the plastics from the container. […]