AMA promotes benefits of “genetically improved” foods – (10-18-01)

AMA promotes benefits of “genetically improved” foods The concept of GMO (genetically modified organism) is very controversial. The main problem is that we are creating new proteins that the body has never before been exposed to, creating a myriad of opportunities for new food allergies/sensitivities. On the other hand, many of the GMO products are […]

Food allergy/intolerance: associations with other manifestations of atopy – (11-29-01)

Food allergy/intolerance: associations with other manifestations of atopy This is another wonderful article packed full of interesting concepts. First is finding out just how common food allergy is in the general population. This article also gives some common food allergens found which includes certain nuts, milk and fruits. Another common theme arises here as well–systemic […]

Food Allergy and Seronegative Arthritis – (08-06-01)

Food Allergy and Seronegative Arthritis: Report of Two Cases This is really an article that touches on many aspects. First, food allergy is a very important aspect in health and should be evaluated or at least considered in every patient. It is very well accepted that our dogs with arthritis can do much better with […]

Food hypersensitivity: association with atopic diseases – (05-20-03)

Food hypersensitivity: association with atopic diseases I still feel that food allergy is a very commonly overlooked contribution to chronic diseases. Here we see further report for this contribution with dairy being second on the list (kiwi #1). One thing I find interesting is that milk allergy was almost twice as common as peanut, and […]

Nutrition and Cognitive Function – (07-30-01)

Nutrition and Cognitive Function While not usually the first treatment thought of for cognitive and psychological problems, I firmly believe that nutrition and exercise are one of the most powerful (and underutilized) tools we have to deal with them. Maintaining proper insulin sensitivity, avoiding food allergies (especially gluten, when present) and exercise are just a […]