Glucosamine Sulfate May Promote Development of Insulin Resistance – (05-20-00)

Glucosamine Sulfate May Promote Development of Insulin Resistance This was a small study, but this will definitely require further studies. Many people continue to take high levels of GS once they have noticed a response. Many times the dosage can be tapered down to much less than the original dosage. If more patients followed this […]

Exogenous hyperinsulinaemia on VLDL composition in normal subjects – (04-12-01)

Exogenous hyperinsulinaemia on VLDL composition in normal subjects This study finds that exogenous insulin (from outside the body such as what diabetics inject) will produce unfavourable changes in cholesterol composition. This brings to mind a conversation I had with a diabetic representing the ADA at a health fair. She felt that it was okay to […]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction – (04-12-01)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Is Associated With Endothelial Dysfunction Insulin is the key player in this relationship. Insulin is known to shunt away from estrogen production over to testerone production. This elevated testerone is known to be a risk factor for PCOS. Managing insulin levels can be one of the most important things to do for […]

Subclinical Glucose Intolerance Increases Risk of Death – (05-03-01)

Subclinical Glucose Intolerance Increases Risk of Death Do I need to say any more? Insulin resistance, Syndrome X, metabolic syndrome…whatever you care to call it….is a major risk factor for so many chronic diseases. The sad part is that society is not moving away from refined carbs–a known contributor to insulin resistance. Combine this with […]