NORMAL LIVER ENZYMES LINKED TO DIABETES?  I remember early on in practice not recognizing this for what it was.  I had a few patients with mildly elevated liver enzymes (AST, ALT).  They would just comment that they’ve always been elevated.  Usually their doctor had run a barrage of liver tests looking for viral hepatitis.  But, with […]

Short Burst Aerobic from a Cellular Standpoint

Ok, ok. I truly don’t mean to beat you over the head with this concept, but I’m going to anyway. I think we’re approaching exercise all wrong. The problem is that, if I’m right, this isn’t some little tidbit that doesn’t make a difference. All of our public health recommendations need to be revamped. Let’s […]

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease; a Feature of the Metabolic Syndrome – (08-06-01)

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease; a Feature of the Metabolic Syndrome We have identified a host of conditions associated with impaired insulin sensitivity such as hypertension, heart disease, hypercholesterolemia and abdominal adiposity. We can now add fatty liver disease to the list. On the converse side, that would also mean that any patient with liver problems […]

Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver – (06-11-01)

Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Kudos to these authors for suggesting that liver disease is reversible! It is entirely possible that many cases of liver failure are related to a process called metabolic activation, where the liver, in the process of trying to get rid of toxins, may actually produce a substance more toxic than […]

Risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – (06-10-04)

Insulin resistance and CRP as independent risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease I just thought I would use this article to tie in with the new documentary “Supersize Me.” This is exactly what happened to the star of this film. He ended up with elevated liver enzymes just 3 weeks into his program. The […]