Antibiotic-Resistant Acne Vulgaris Becoming Problematic – (05-07-01)

Antibiotic-Resistant Acne Vulgaris Becoming Problematic Whenever a patient comes into my office and health history reveals severe allergies, GI complaints, PMS complaints…I will always ask back to any long term antibiotic use as a child–pneumonia, ear infections or acne. This long term use of broad spectrum antibiotics is devastating to our normal flora. In this […]

Antibiotics are severely overused in pediatric practices – (04-24-00)

Antibiotics are severely overused in pediatric practices. This summary shows that, for most respiratory tract infections, antibiotics are not needed… Asthma rates increasing…could it be related to the increased antibiotic use described above? The evidence strongly suggests it may be a factor. In addition, many doctors say that the readmission rate to the hospital is […]

Antibiotic Treatment of Adults with Sore Throat by Community PCPs – (09-17-01)

Antibiotic Treatment of Adults with Sore Throat by Community PCPs Despite evidence to the contrary, antibiotic overuse is still common. The plea by researchers to cut back on antibiotic use have been frequent in mainstream medical journals. So who has been reading these journals?? To be fair, the large chunk of antibiotic overuse responsibility falls […]