Diet of US Adolescents Has Deteriorated Since 1965 – (08-14-00)

Diet of US Adolescents Has Deteriorated Since 1965

I hope we didn’t spend too much money on this study… We are slowly destroying the health of our country by focusing on fast, processed food as the main staple in our diets.

Arch Dis Child 2000;83:18-24 “These results show food consumption trends that are compromising the nutritional and health status of US adolescents and may contribute to important increases in nutrition-related chronic diseases,” Dr. Siega-Riz and colleagues write. “Given our increased understanding of the role that diet and body composition play in preventing disease and promoting a higher quality of life, these results provide a clearer basis for intervention during adolescence to instill proper dietary habits.”

James Bogash

For more than a decade, Dr. Bogash has stayed current with the medical literature as it relates to physiology, disease prevention and disease management. He uses his knowledge to educate patients, the community and cyberspace on the best way to avoid and / or manage chronic diseases using lifestyle and targeted supplementation.
