When it Comes to Vaccination, Mother Nature Always Wins

In some cases, the vaccination game is like a giant “wac-a-mole” game.  You smash down one infectious disease only to have another, more powerful bug rise up in it’s place. The Prevnar vaccination against the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria was originally designed against just 6 of the types of this bacteria that can cause ear infections, pneumonia […]

Whooping Cough Vaccination; Mother Nature Always Wins

Now that it’s back to school time, the subject of vaccination is on everyone’s mind. Especially since California decided to remove your rights as a parent to make decisions for your child. If the vaccination topic was cut and dry, it wouldn’t be a big deal.  Mandate teeth brushing and flossing?  Ok.  Mandate more broccoli?  […]

The Disneyland Measles Scare – What are the REAL Numbers?

Things have since settled down, but there is no doubt that fear and misinformation reigned supreme for the first part of 2015 in regards to the measles. I can’t possibly see how you didn’t hear about it, but just in case you’ve been living in a cave for 2015, here’s the rundown.  In December, a […]

Chicken Pox Vaccine and Shingles; Surprising Link Between the Two

Vaccination remains a highly controversial topic with both sides sprouting misinformation and using largely emotional arguments. Rarely do you hear the truth. And even more rarely do you hear the pro-vaccine camp addressing the real issues with vaccination.  Let me rephrase that…rarely do you hear the pro-vaccination camp discussing very specific issues with specific vaccinations. […]

Pertussis / Whooping Cough Vaccine; How Long Does It Last?

Measles has taken the stage lately (more on this in another blog) but prior to that pertussis, aka whooping cough, held the stage. Pertussis is a respiratory disease that is caused by the bacteria  Bordetella pertussis.  The disease gets its name from the characteristic “whoop” as the infected person takes a deep breath after a […]