Is Surgery Necessary for ACL Tears? The Answer Will Surprise You

I personally had my right knee scoped when I was 18 for a torn medial meniscus.  I now have arthritis on the inside part of my knee, which I keep solidly pain free with soft tissue work and exercise. Knowing what I know now, I never would’ve had that surgery done.  While this particular article […]

Common Knee Osteoarthritis Symptom Treatment Fails Again

  Knee osteoarthritis symptoms. For some, it seems like the diagnosis is pretty much the same as saying that surgery is inevitable. There are times when I think that more information is a bad thing.  There have been countless times in my practice where someone gets hooked on imaging findings (whether they are MRI, CT […]

Having Orthopedic Surgery? You NEED to Know this Scary Risk

Everyone knows that there are risks associated with any surgery. But the risks that you know about are the obvious ones. Problems with the anesthesia such as aspiration pneumonitis or respiratory failure.  Problems with the surgery itself such as excessive blood loss, damaging the spinal cord or spinal nerves, infection or blood clots. But what […]

Tylenol for Your Pain; Surprising Finding on How Well it Works

Society would never consider going without over the counter pain meds. Doesn’t matter what’s it’s for; headaches, knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain.   We don’t seem to care where the pain is; that magical little pill hones in with radar precision to zap the pain and give you relief. Or at least this is what […]

Knee Osteoarthritis Symptoms: To Use Steroid Injections or Not?

Somewhere along the line steroid injections became the knee-jerk (pun intended) reaction for pain anywhere. Shoulder pain?  Shoot it with some steroids.  Elbow pain?  Wrist pain?  Knee pain?  Scoot right on up and we’ll stick some corticosteroids directly into the joint.  Low back pain?  Despite the fact that there is very little evidence to support […]