Surgery Treatment for Cancer: Barbaric or Life-Saving?

Your heart sinks as you get the fateful diagnosis. It’s cancer. Emergency surgery is scheduled and you’re practically put under anesthesia in the office. But is this a good idea? We already know that cancer treatment, with a few exceptions, is remarkably ineffective. We also know that “prevention,” when used in the context of mainstream […]

Induction of tumors in mice by genomic hypomethylation – (04-23-03)

Induction of tumors in mice by genomic hypomethylation If you wish to fully understand the folic acid cycle and its contribution to the methylation process and how this drastically impacts our current health and disease prevention and how this pathway is subject to multiple genetic variations then don’t ask me. I don’t remember all that […]

Starch-Based Glove Powder Promotes Intra-Abdominal Tumor Growth – (10-08-01)

Starch-Based Glove Powder Promotes Intra-Abdominal Tumor Growth Need I say more? Make sure that you ask your surgeon what kind of gloves he or she uses and insist that they use non-starch gloves. The best alternative, of course, would be to avoid surgery altogether… Br J Surg 2001;88:1258-1263 Starch-based surgical glove powder appears to promote […]